Framed one of my Rolling Stones Cancelled Gig playbill prints for @handfacevideo ’s birthday present. Gift decisions become so much easier/lazier when (a) you’re an artist and (b) you live within rioting distance of an IKEA. #rollingstones #stones #print #poster #playbill #1960s #sixties #retro #homedecor #shopping #birthday #frame #picture #photo #ikea #art #artist
Thursday, 30 June 2016
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
More from ‘Benny Bear, The Farmer’. Q: What’s...
More from ‘Benny Bear, The Farmer’. Q: What’s wrong with this picture? A: EVERYTHING. #photo #bear #childrensbook #strange #weird #books #literature #1960s #europe #eu #countryside #bennybear #retro
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Here’s a page from another book I bought yesterday. A full...
Here’s a page from another book I bought yesterday. A full £1 for this one, but worth every penny for its freakiness. ‘Benny Bear, The Farmer’. Some slightly dodgy rhymes and photos of a life-sized bear milking cows somewhere in Europe in the 1960s (I’m guessing). Slightly reminds me of Kanye West’s Dropout Bear, but… totally weird. #photo #bear #kanyewest #childrensbook #strange #weird #books #literature #1960s #europe #countryside
Monday, 27 June 2016
Bought this today for 10p at our local secondhand book shop...
Bought this today for 10p at our local secondhand book shop today. A French customs manual (I think) from 1973. I like to think that its lovely faded pink colour is due to it being stuck in the window of some tiny shack at the harbour in Marseille during many long Mediterranean summers in the 1970s. Ah, the hidden exoticism of the terribly, terribly boring. #France #books #documents #law #custom #douanes #pink #mediterranean #1970s #bookshop #bargain
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Figures in a disappearing town. #artwork #painting #collage...
Figures in a disappearing town. #artwork #painting #collage #penguinbooks #ladybirdbooks #retro #england #1970s #town #past #nostalgia
Foretelling the future this morning by reading tea leaves...
Foretelling the future this morning by reading tea leaves (actually tea dust from the bottom of the caddy) it appears we’re going to be living in another galaxy quite soon. Now, where did I leave that spacesuit? #future #tea #trouble #photo #galaxy
Friday, 24 June 2016
Postman Pat wasn’t taking the news well at all. #books...
Postman Pat wasn’t taking the news well at all. #books #bookcover
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
On Planet MDF first they invented shelving, but then they needed...
On Planet MDF first they invented shelving, but then they needed something to put on it, so they next invented literature. Good call, MDF-ians! #books #shelfie #literature #design
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Seen today… not on the Autobahn, but in the car park at...
Seen today… not on the Autobahn, but in the car park at Lidl. #Kraftwerk #autobahn #logo #design #carpark #exotic #luxurylife
Monday, 20 June 2016
Black is (was) the new orange. #penguinbooks #bookspines...
Black is (was) the new orange. #penguinbooks #bookspines #bookspinebeauty #shelfie #retro #typography #design
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Okay, Minilogue, I don’t know you and you don’t know...
Okay, Minilogue, I don’t know you and you don’t know me but you clearly have stories to tell in your own way and in your own language so why don’t I just stop asking you to Tell Me That One About The Human League Again and you just go for it, yeah? I’m all ears. #stoplookingattheoscilloscope #korg #minilogue #music #instrument #synth #language #what #1234
Sunday, 12 June 2016
David Hockney’s satnav. If only technology companies...
David Hockney’s satnav. If only technology companies employed artists to work on all their interfaces. #art #technology #painting #davidhockney #satnav
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Thursday, 9 June 2016
Very much enjoying Tom Doyle’s book about Paul...
Very much enjoying Tom Doyle’s book about Paul McCartney’s 1970s at the moment. #paulmccartney #beatles #wings #1970s #book #music #tomdoyle
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
*Claps hands in childish, amateurish glee* OMFG - FINALLY it has...
*Claps hands in childish, amateurish glee* OMFG - FINALLY it has finally arrived. Finally! #Korg #minilogue #longwait #possiblehipstertoy
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
One of my earliest experiences was being a battery-powered...
One of my earliest experiences was being a battery-powered cardboard robot too, so this book is basically my autobiography. #craft #books #robot #1970s #retro #raygun #zapzapzap
Monday, 6 June 2016
Love the illustration and colour palette on this tin of luncheon...
Love the illustration and colour palette on this tin of luncheon meat. Plus ‘Luncheon meat’ as a term is of course intrinsically funny, so it’s a win-win as far as I can see. #packaging #tin #design #illustration #fnar
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Okay, C M & Y, I think K wins this one. #peppapig #sticker...
Okay, C M & Y, I think K wins this one. #peppapig #sticker #printing #rain #faded #photo