Thursday, 31 January 2013

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London.

Never drive here on a weekend, the traffic is diabolical. There’s a one-way system in Greenwich which, with its multiple unsynched traffic lights, creates a faithful recreation of the brutal, futile and desperately long impasse that was the Western Front during World War I… but in car form. Maybe they designed it that way as some kind of ‘heritage experience’.

I’ve spent the past few weeks working on some new prints for the shop (none of them shown here, they’re still being proofed and tweaked), plus some new versions of existing prints. It. Is. All. Rather. Good.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Monday, 21 January 2013

Here’s my Oscar Wilde/Morrissey print (or at least a TV version thereof) appearing in the first episode of season two of HBO’s show ‘Girls’.

NB This image has of course been cropped - it’s not like HBO is broadcasting in some super-super-Cinemascope now or anything. It’s cropped because the rest of the image is somewhat NSFW and, you know…

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Alfred Hitchock, my new A3 print, completed on Friday 18 January 2013. It’s available here in my Etsy shop.

Hitchcock was surprisingly difficult to draw. Some people have features that are angular enough that you can take measurements pretty easily, a bit like navigating via fixed points in space. With Hitchcock, no such luck - he’s all curves, and very few of them intersecting. So this portrait took a lot of looking, a lot of redrawing (in pencil)… and then getting a feel for when it was right not to look at the source, and instead let the pen do its semi-random thing, to give the drawing some life and become a thing in itself rather than just a slavish imitation.

After that, the brushwork was pretty much plain sailing and I was able to improvise the layers of wash nicely, pulling the ink back off the page with a rag when I needed. That kind of painting is always the most fun. I’m pleased with the outcome, and my artist’s proof is now on the wall above my computer as I type this. ‘Good evening…’

I went book shopping for more material for new prints. I emerged from Skoob Books into the snowy London lunchtime yesterday £39 lighter in the pocket. £39! Talk about suffering for your art.

This is a good notebook. After falling out of love with Moleskine thanks to their atrocious, ink-killing ‘sketch pad’ I’ve started using this, from the Hand Book Journal Co (or Global Art Materials Limited, or whatever). 128 pages of 160gsm paper, ever so slightly shaggy. Does not leech the life out of black ink, but does slightly fuzz-up a fountain pen nib. Pricey too, at £13 a go. But it’s a solid book that accepts note-taking and drawing (and some watercolour) without griping, so it’s currently the best one going for me, for now.