Saturday, 12 March 2011

Ballardian Plastics

Creepy - but don't have nightmares. This is from a fascinating article about JG Ballard's typographical experiments, which can be found here.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Joy of Low-Tech

Call it a minor investment. This is my recently-acquired Salter portable postal weighing scale. Why anyone would want a portable postal weighing scale, I don't know - maybe there are places where accurately weighing your items to within 10g in order to select the correct postage is illegal (probably in a country where MC Escher is prime minister). But it was relatively cheap - I think about £6 - and it looks dinkily functional, like a distant relative of something Dieter Rams might have created on his lunch break.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

New Greetings Cards

I've also, after much deliberation, begun selling sets of cards taken directly from my portrait prints series. In each set you'll get five cards & envelopes, the cards featuring either Jacques Tati (pictured), George Orwell, Dylan Thomas or Oscar Wilde, depending on which one you buy. I may do others, we'll see how these ones go first.

Recession Books

Inspired by my love of the great Penguin Books cover designs of the 1940s, I've created a series of prints showing how classic literature might look if it were subject to the same cutbacks that everything else seems to be undergoing in the present financial calamity. Finding a way to laugh at problems is a good starting point for dealing with them, I find. That's my approach here.

Anyway, check them out in the shop.